creator gallery ver blog 001(ブログパーツ001)





This widget is seven kind(orange,pink,blue,green,red,white,transparent).But only two colors are here to reduce the loading load.
If you wants to see full kinds of this widget,click please.

・This is the widget that displays a variety of images created by ten creators.
・Displayed creators are random.
・The images will be updated one after another.
・When the image is clicked, the author page is opened.
・The display images are the same as any blog parts.
・Width is 160px and height is 165px.

Please change your blog into creative with this widget!
It is not good at English. Sorry.

オレンジ貼り付け用タグ‐ブログパーツ‐(Html code for blog parts of orange)

ピンク貼り付け用タグ‐ブログパーツ‐(Html code for blog parts of pink)

ブルー貼り付け用タグ‐ブログパーツ‐(Html code for blog parts of blue)

グリーン貼り付け用タグ‐ブログパーツ‐(Html code for blog parts of green)

レッド貼り付け用タグ‐ブログパーツ‐(Html code for blog parts of red)

ホワイト貼り付け用タグ‐ブログパーツ‐(Html code for blog parts of white)

透明貼り付け用タグ‐ブログパーツ‐(Html code for blog parts of transparent)

Copyright(c) creators and seisyun-b 2008 All Rights Reserved.
